Have you ever wondered how you can improve your digestion naturally and feel amazing in your body? Have you been dealing with bloating, leaky gut, acidity or taking medications to resolve digestive issues? If you answered YES to any of these then this article is for you.
See, if your digestion is not good you end up feeling pretty uncomfortable most of the time and it can cause issues ranging from low energy, bad mood, low nutrient absorption, weight gain, brain fog, depression and low focus just to name a few. Its pretty difficult to have a real joyful, fun life if you’re dealing with digestive issues. And to tell you the truth, most of your digestive issues can be resolved simply by making small changes in your food and the way you eat. Yeah really! Its possible to get these issues resolved with simple strategies.
So today we want to share with you 5 things that you can do to improve your digestive health.
5 steps to better digestion
1. chew your food
Often times we end up eating our food infront of our gadgets or while we’re working and don’t chew our food but rather inhale it. Can you relate to this? We know we’ve done it especially when we are in a hurry and need to get to the next thing. And aren’t we all in a hurry on most days with our fast paced lifestyle?
But not chewing our food has real consequences for our digestion. Remember, we don’t have teeth in our stomach to chew the food. If the food goes into our stomach when its not been chewed, it can’t break down properly. If it doesn’t break down, it can end up causing a whole range of issues. So make sure to take the time to look at your food when you eat and chew each bite properly before taking the next bite.
2. Stimulate your stomach acid

If you have issues with acidity, bloating, acid reflux, then we have 2 tips for you.
Firstly, stop drinking water with your food. We have stomach acid (which is like fire) in our stomach to help break down the food. What do you think happens to fire when you pour water on it? That’s right! It gets extinguished.
Our stomach acid is like fire and when you drink water with food, thats exactly what happens. And then undigested food goes into our small intestine where it then get pushed back up so it can be broken down, causing acid reflux / acidity issues.
Secondly, to help stimulate your stomach acid, try having a tbsp of lemon juice in warm water 5 mins before you eat. This little tip will help you immensely in most of your digestive issues. Try it and tell us how it goes.
3. Fiber
Fiber is essential for keeping you regular and for maintaining good gut health. Make sure you have enough fiber rich foods in your diet. Whole grains (oatmeal), fruit smoothies, salads, etc. all have fiber so add these foods into your daily diet.
Another way to get more fiber every day is to add a fiber supplement to your regime. We absolutely love Fibergy supplement as it has soluble and insoluble fiber, plus it also has prebiotics to nourish the good bacteria in your gut, which makes it an exceptional supplement choice.
4. Digestive enzymes
Digestive enzymes help break down the food into smaller compounds that can be absorbed as nutrients in our body. If you tend to eat processed foods (biscuits, chips, anything packaged that has preservatives) then consider adding a digestive enzyme supplement to support your digestion. This is because our body doesn’t know how to digest the preservatives that go into these foods so it needs all the help it can get.

5. move your body
Exercise and movement helps the food you’re digesting move better in your intestines. So make sure to include movement into your daily lifestyle. It could be walking, running, swimming or anything that you enjoy doing. The point is, choose something that you love doing so you can make it a part of your daily routine.
Try these strategies for 4 weeks to really see a difference in your digestion.
What are your 2 favourite tips that you can apply right away? What’s one action you can take to improve your digestion? Comment below!
Lots of love
Simar & Deep
Ps. We love hearing from you! If You have any questions or want us to talk about any particular topic, please comment below or email us at glamourandpurpose@gmail.com
Hi we're Simar & Deep!
We’re sisters and co-founders of Glamour And Purpose. We are your nutrition coaches, yoga teachers and business mentors.
We are here to help you reach your health & fitness goals while feeling confident in your body through movement and lifestyle modification.
Our mission is to empower you to have the best life where you get to enjoy amazing health, feel confident in yourself and create the kind of lifestyle you’ve always dreamt about.