Have you ever wondered why some people have gorgeous looking skin and some don’t? Trust me I have. While growing up in a hot climate and along with crazy eating habits I always had issues with my skin (Too oily or too dry or crazy acne, etc.). I could never understand why I had these issues or what skincare to apply.
Over the years I ended up going to cosmetologists, health coaches, dermatologists and started to learn from them that my skin issues have more to do with what I am putting in my body rather than what I am applying outside.
So here I am sharing some of my skin secrets with you that have given me the skin of my dreams.
Drink plenty of water everyday. Make sure to drink minimum 8 glasses of water per day. Our skin needs a lot of water to stay hydrated and look smooth and supple. More than 70% of our body is water and all our cells, organs and our digestive system require water to function optimally. So if there isn’t enough our body first fulfils on the inner needs before it shows on the skin.
Yoga and exercise help our body release toxins through sweat and help with blood circulation and metabolism. When your body releases sweat it gets rid of toxins that clog up your skin. It also helps to keep your skin looking younger. It produces endorphins that help you feel and look happy and Radiant.
Invest in quality skincare. Anything you put on your skin dissolves into your blood stream within seconds. So if your skincare is full of toxic chemicals, it can not only damage your skin cells (even though it may make your skin look good for the time being) but also cause other hormonal issues.
So when choosing a skincare, the rule of thumb is: if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin. Personally I love the entire Celavive® skincare line because it is completely free from all harmful chemicals including parabens, heavy metals, etc. And at the same time the products feel amazing on my skin.
The internal health of your organs will always determine the quality of your skin. Eat foods rich in fiber as they will help your body release toxins. Greens leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits are all amazing as they are full of vitamins and minerals that are amazing for your skin.
When it comes to gorgeous skin, sleep plays a huge role. Make sure you get 8-9 hours of sleep everyday so that your body gets enough time to relax and repair. Our skin repairs itself when we are asleep.
Create one habit at a time, best way is to schedule it in your calendar or on your smartphone that can remind you to hydrate, eat clean and don’t forget to have lots of fun!
What tip above was the most useful to you? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Deep xo