Trying to lose weight?
Don’t do dieting or an intense workout challenge.

BodyLove Program
28 – Day Nutrition Challenge
Take the next 28 days to completely transform your body, mind and spirit.
DO YOU ..?
.. feel like no matter how much you exercise or try to eat less (even skip meals), you can’t release those extra kilos
.. have strong cravings for sugar and salty foods and don’t have the will power to stop
.. feel tired of crash diets because the results never last and they are unrealistic / boring. Plus any weight you lose, comes right back (sometimes more than where you started)
.. struggle with stress eating? That is… you seem to do great on your plan until you get stressed and then you can’t control yourself
Imagine if you could ..
.. lose those extra kilos with ease, get to your ideal weight and be able to maintain those results long term
.. wake up each morning feeling and looking sexy
.. enjoy your favourite foods without ever having to worry about dieting to fit into your favourite jeans

BodyLove Program is a complete 4 week program where we teach you the principles of holistic living and the strategies to implement these principles into your lifestyle with ease.
Here are some BENEFITS you can expect to get:





GET clear SKIN

be a part of an Amazing Tribe

"I lost 9 kgs and went back to my original size!”
"I lost 9 kgs and went back to my original size! The best part is that I lost weight but my face didn’t look haggard (which was the case in the past if I even lost 3 kgs). Now I look healthy, my skin is glowing and I'm super excited that I can fit into my favourite dresses again. All thanks to BodyLove Program!" - SUNITA NANWANI

"I lost 7 kgs in 1.5 month!”
I absolutely loved doing this program because I didn’t feel like I was on a diet. The products and the process was great. Even though in the past I used to feel like it’s hard to lose weight or feel good about my body. But this program really taught me how to live healthier and respect my body." - ZATA LIGOUW
What makes this program different ?
BodyLove Program is focused on helping you create a healthy body through sustainable habits that stick, so there is no rebound.
Our belief is that weight-loss is a side-effect of health. So when you get healthy, you can sustain that weight-loss for life.

The four PROGRAM modules
Get your meal plan, workout plan, grocery lists and get started.
Learn to create a mindset that supports you in following your goals vs. sabotaging you.
Learn how to take care of your body to support optimal health and reach / maintain your body goals for life.
Create a vibrant life by connecting with your spirit and creating lifelong self-care rituals that support you inside out.

Video modules
4 week video module course with 12 lessons that will educate you in the basic concepts of healthy living and how to incorporate them into your lifestyle long term.
VALUE: $1000

Meal plans
Enjoy 3 meal plans that are packed with nourishing yummy recipes. We have Indian, Indonesian and Western options available.
VALUE: $150

Workout plans
We have 3 home-based and gym based workout plans done for you. These come in Pin Up form that you can print and put up on your wall or take with you to the gym.
VALUE: $250

Nutrition Kit
28-day supply of the highest rated supplements. These will help you detox your body, reset your metabolism, help with your digestion and energy.
Value: $400

lifetime access
Lifetime access to the course and any new things that we add to the course in future (No additional payments as we add more content to the course).
inside these 4 weeks there are also 6 bonus Workouts
value: $200

Why should i sign up now?
It's very beneficial especially because you will not only get amazing health products but get this amazing 4 week nutrition program FREE along with them to kickstart your health journey.
This deal is time bound and may not stay this way forever, so get it before it's gone.
This is what you get when you sign up today:
4 weeks of BodyLove content delivered to you via videos which include 12 lessons. You can follow these lessons from the comfort of your own home, at the time that works best for you.
Value: $1000 -
3 meal plans that are packed with nourishing yummy recipes. We have Indian, Indonesian and Western options available.
Value: $150 -
3 home-based and gym based workout plans. These come in Pin Up form that you can print and put up on your wall or take with you to the gym.
Value: $250 -
28-day supply of the highest rated supplements. These will help you detox your body, reset your metabolism, help with your digestion and energy.
Value: $400 -
6 Bonus workout videos including 3 Strength training workouts and 3 Barre fitness workouts.
Value: $200 - Lifetime access to the course and any new things that we add to the course in future (No additional payments as we add more content to the course).
Access to the BodyLove private facebook forum where you get coaching from all the BodyLove coaches from around the world. This is also a community where you can connect with other like minded people.
Total Value: $2000
Basic: $150 USD
Total Body Transformation: $300 USD
[Prices may differ in different countries but they are still in the same price range]
How does it work?
- You register on this page by clicking on the link above.
- You will immediately get an email from us explaining the next steps.
- Once you choose your Nutrition Kit and follow the steps given in the email, we will add you to the program.
- And you will be ready to start your health journey
"I've lost inches and gained so much energy!"
"I've lost 10 lbs and can now fit into my favourite clothes!"

Our journey began in 2013, when we strongly believed that to get toned and feel fabulous, all we needed to do was go to the gym and workout hard. But no matter how much we went to the gym, we couldn’t seem to get the results we wanted.
At the same time, we were also dealing with inflammation issues.
For instance..
Simar – “My skin was breaking out with acne all the time and I was getting sick almost every month and had to take antibiotics every time.”
Deep – “I had serious eye inflammation issue where my eyes would get red and hurt bad (this happened every 6 months). The doctor ran some tests and told me that I have a certain blood type because of which I would have to use steroids for the rest of my life or I would lose my eyes.”
Initially our health was the big motivator that got us to start looking for solutions. Because we didn’t want to take medication ongoingly we started looking for alternative ways to get our health on track and reach our fitness goals.
Here are 2 things we learnt ..
1. When it comes to getting toned and reaching our body goals, it’s 80% food and 20% exercise.
2. The food that we eat has the biggest impact on our health, as well as how we feel and our energy levels.
So changing our diet needed to be our top priority.

But as it turns out, changing our diet was not as easy as we thought because we were so addicted to sugary treats that when we started on our health journey, we had the worst cravings.
What we came to realise was that, if we have to completely cut out all our favourite foods from our life then this new lifestyle is never going to last.
Depriving ourselves of our favourite foods was just not working out.
As a result we started experimenting and got creative so we could keep enjoying our favourite foods while also reaching our goals.
We used the methods we teach in this program for 3 months and were amazed at the results.
Here's what happened..

Deep – “I lost 10 kgs without even trying to. Plus, my food cravings went away, making it easier to maintain my new lifestyle. Most importantly, my eye inflammation issue went away and I’ve never had to put steroids in my eyes again.”

Simar – “I lost about 4-5 kgs and my skin cleared up. Best thing is that I stopped getting sick and I’ve never had to take antibiotics again”.
Since then, we’ve maintained these results and our healthy lifestyle over the years.
Now, we’re both Certified Nutrition Coaches and Personal Trainers. And we are passionate about helping others create and maintain similar results.

Basic: $150 USD
Total Body Transformation: $300 USD
[Prices may differ in different countries but they are still in the same price range]
Grab this offer while its last as this program is normally not FREE with the nutrition kit. This is a ONE-TIME-PAYMENT only and you get to keep the program for life.