How to wake up without coffee?


In this blog, I wanted to share a video I did a few weeks ago, where I shared how to wake up without needing something outside of you to energise you. It is a known fact that mornings are the best time to be productive and if you own your morning, you own your day. This was an area that I really used to struggle with. I used to feel really groggy when I would wake up in the morning and that would leave me feeling tired all day long. After trying a lot of different things and feeling demotivated, I finally found a way that is extremely effective and easy to incorporate in your daily regimen. If you’re someone that struggles with owning your morning, this is for you. 

Below link is the video where I explain how you can take charge of your morning and start your day feeling absolutely refreshed. 



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Lots of love

Simar xo