We are so glad you got the Lifestyle Meal Plan. This meal plan is based on low glycemic eating, which helps you stabilise your blood sugar and get stable energy levels throughout the day. Over time, if you incorporate this style of eating, you will find it easy to maintain your ideal weight, enjoy radiant skin and have great energy levels.
In this short video, you will learn what low glycemic eating means and how to incorporate it into your lifestyle long term. Please watch this video first before you download the meal plan so that you have a clear understanding of how to use the meal plan effectively. Once you’ve seen the video, you can download the meal plan below and get started on your health journey.
Now that you’ve seen the video, you are ready to get the meal plan. You can download the meal plan below. We recommend that you print it out so its easy for you to follow. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in touch with us on our email
We look forward to connecting with you!