Let’s talk about 3 practices to help you stop anxiety. Do you feel unsettled, lost or anxious and don’t know what to do about it? Have you tried different strategies to bring down your stress levels with no real results?
If that’s you then I want to tell you that I totally get where you are.
The thing is, there are so many things that can impact our mental health and cause anxiety. It could be chronic stress that left your nervous system completely exhausted or it could be a life situation that caused you a lot of stress and now you’re dealing with anxiety.
Personally for me, a few years back, it happened due to being continuously anxious about money and feeling unsettled as we were traveling so much. Being in that space made me feel stressed and caused a lot of anxiety and mental anguish most of the times.
At the time I tried thinking positive, listening to positive words, and all the different strategies that were recommended by different people but none of it made any difference. When I had anxiety, nothing could get me out of it.
But then I found something that helped me unexpectedly – Hatha Yoga. I have to say that I didn’t start yoga to help me with anxiety (I didn’t know that it could help, as I only viewed yoga as a gentle stretching workout lol), but once I started practicing breath work and yoga asanas daily, I started to feel more grounded, relaxed and finally less and less anxious without even trying. In as little as 3 weeks I started to feel like myself and the yoga practice completely calmed my nervous system.
So today I want to share 3 practices that made a huge difference for me in the hopes that it might make a difference for you as well. To really get the most benefit out of these practices, make sure to practice daily for at least for 4 weeks to really feel the transformation.
3 Practices To stop anxiety
1. Breath work / Pranayama

Nothing can signal to your brain about your state of mind faster than your breathing. Because when you are stressed your breathing is shallow and when you are relaxed you breathe into your stomach. But did you know, your breathing can guide your emotions too? This is why, when you practice breath work (pranayama) it sends a signal to your body that you are safe and all is well. And just like that your mind becomes peaceful and your stress levels come down.
Pranayama for anxiety: Bhramari, Ujjai Breathing (Join us in our yoga class to learn these)
2. Yin yoga

Yin yoga is a slow yoga practice that you can do where you hold relaxing yoga asanas for 1-4 mins. In this practice you bring your attention to your breathing and practice Ujjai breath while in each of these asanas. This is why it’s a very powerful practice that helps you become one with your mind and helps with deep relaxation. You can join us in our weekly online yoga classes to get you kickstarted on your yoga journey. In our classes we incorporate breath work, asana practice and meditation to provide a complete mind, body, spirit experience.
3. Gratitude journal

Keep a gratitude journal for 21 days to get into a habit of being grateful. To get started, every morning write down 5 things you are grateful for. These can be connected to that particular day or life in general. For example, “I am grateful for my family”, “I am grateful for being healthy and strong”. When you start practicing gratitude daily, it can be a game changer. This simple practice will help you bring back the positive energy into your life and have you be more grounded.
- Which idea in this blog resonates with you most?
- What practice are you going to take on to be in Mind, Body, Spirit connection?
- What have you tried before that really worked for you?
Lots of love
Ps. We love hearing from you! If You have any questions or want us to talk about any particular topic, please comment below or email us at glamourandpurpose@gmail.com
Hi we're Simar & Deep!
We’re sisters and co-founders of Glamour And Purpose. We are your nutrition coaches, yoga teachers and business mentors.
We are here to help you reach your health & fitness goals while feeling confident in your body through movement and lifestyle modification.
Our mission is to empower you to have the best life where you get to enjoy amazing health, feel confident in yourself and create the kind of lifestyle you’ve always dreamt about.