This is a summary of all the key facts that define what makes USANA such an outstanding company
Compiled by Dr. Ladd McNamara, M.D., Independent USANA Associate Since 1995
1. USANA is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, which includes a state-of-the-art, FDA registered manufacturing facility. The FDA and a variety of government agencies conduct ongoing periodic inspections of the facility, raw materials, manufacturing practices, and the end products.
2. Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
USANA’s Salt Lake City headquarters-manufacturing facility is certified to be in compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements set forth in NSF/ANSI Standard 173- 2012, Dietary Supplements by NSF International, and it also became a registered U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Drug Establishment in 2011.
3. GMP standards set for the food industry
USANA’s commitment to excellence demands that it meets all GMP criteria set forth for the pharmaceutical industry. Prior to any legal requirements, at a time when most other dietary supplement makers followed GMP standards set for the food industry, USANA voluntarily followed the higher GMP standards set for the pharmaceutical industry.
These standards set for the pharmaceutical industry, called Good Manufacturing Practices or GMP, set specific criteria for essential aspects of the manufacturing process such as the design and construction of the physical plant and facility maintenance, cleanliness, proper manufacturing operations, quality control procedures, testing final product, testing incoming process materials, the design and construction of physical plants that facilitate maintenance, handling consumer complaints, maintaining records at all stages of manufacturing, and waste disposal.
4. NSF International Certification
USANA’s Salt Lake City headquarters-manufacturing facility has received NSF International Certification of GMP manufacturing established for dietary supplements, and receives on-going inspections by NSF International on their raw materials, manufacturing facility and process, and the finished products to maintain the NSF Certification.
5. USANA is regularly inspected and audited by the TGA to ensure that their GMP standards are met.
In several countries around the world, supplements are more highly regulated than in the United States. In Australia, for example, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) mandates that manufacturers follow a set of GMP similar to pharmaceutical GMP in the United States. As an Australian supplier, USANA is regularly inspected and audited by the TGA to ensure that their GMP standards are met.
6. potent, pure, and free of contaminant ingredients
USANA purchases raw ingredients from various global suppliers, which come with Certificates of Analysis that the raw ingredients are potent, pure, and free of contaminants.
7. Numerous tests are conducted at USANA’s manufacturing facility
USANA takes extra steps that are not required in the dietary supplement industry to ensure quality by testing the potency and purity of already certified raw ingredients, to ensure that the potency and purity is what is stated to be on the certificates.
Numerous tests are conducted at USANA’s manufacturing facility to ensure not only the potency and purity is what is stated, but they also test for contaminants. Also see the video on quality manufacturing at ‘Ask the Scientist’ info site, by clicking here.
8. NSF International SPORT Certification
USANA has received NSF International SPORT Certification that no banned substances are found in USANA’s products; substances that are banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which would disqualify athletes from competition.
9. USANA was listed in Forbes as one of the top 5 stock picks
In a Forbes article entitled, “What’s the Best Sector for the Long Run?” USANA was listed in as one of the TOP 5 Stock Picks, according to Warren Buffett’s method for choosing stocks, which is to ‘buy stock in companies that make things people need.”
USANA has a strong track record of being recognized as the best in the industry. In 2005 and 2006, USANA Health Sciences was recognized as #5 and #12, respectively, on Forbes’ Top 200 Best Small Companies list. In 2015, USANA is projected to break $1 billion/year!
10. Certified by Informed choice
Several of USANA’s products are certified by Informed-Choice; a quality assurance program that certifies that all dietary supplements and/or ingredients that bear the Informed-Choice logo have been tested for banned substances by the world class sports anti-doping lab, LGC.
11. Official Health Supplement Supplier of WTA since 2006
USANA has been the Official Health Supplement Supplier of the WTA since 2006, and continues to provide its high-quality, NSF-tested nutritional products to more than 170 WTA athletes, including 15 athletes in the WTA Top 20, and eight of the Top 10 (as of February 2016).
12. Over 1000 World Class Elite Athletes trust USANA
“Team USANA,” which includes over 1000 World Class Elite Athletes, including professional athletes, trust USANA with their health, performances, and careers due to USANA’s quality, potency, purity, and the guarantee that backs it up.
13. Athlete Guarantee Program
Athlete Guarantee Program: to date, and to my knowledge, no dietary supplement company or manufacturer has stepped forward to match or beat USANA’s ironclad solution to provide quality assurance to elite athletes. USANA contracts with select athletes to compensate them up to $1 million if they test positive for a banned substance as a result of taking USANA’s products.
14. Potency Guarantee
USANA guarantees that their products are potent, pure, safe, bio-available, and manufactured to the highest quality. This guarantee is to all, not just athletes.
15. Listed in Physician’s Desk Reference
Many of USANA’s products are listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR, 2016).
16. Three time winner on Consumerlab.com
ConsumerLab.com is an organization trusted by practitioners and consumers for unbiased information on nutritional supplements. ConsumerLab.com uses independent labs to test hundreds of supplement brands.
The USANA products they have evaluated over the years have tested true to their stated potency and purity. USANA is a ConsumerLab’s THREE-TIME WINNER in different categories. Once again in 2016, USANA is the Number 1-Rated Supplement Brand in the Direct Sales Industry based on Consumer Satisfaction.
17. USANA Meets United states pharmacopoeia standards
USANA meets the United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) standards for dissolution. The tablets dissolve and disintegrate as they should, so they can be absorbed and utilized by the cells (making the ingredients “bio-available”).
18. on-going in-house research
USANA conducts on-going in-house research, and has collaborated with premier scientific institutions, including The Orthopedic Specialty Hospital in Salt Lake City, University of Utah School of Medicine, Utah State University, Boston University School of Medicine, University of Colorado, and The University of Sydney.
USANA provides additional support with a dedicated, “Ask the Scientist” website, to answer your questions about any of the USANA products, and dietary supplements in general.
USANA’s Nutritionals and Foods are gluten free.
USANA is a member of the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA), an association of dietary supplement and functional food companies that share a commitment to provide consumers with natural health products of superior quality, benefit, and reliability.
USANA is one of only 4 supplement brands to receive the 5 Star Rating (out of 1600 brands), according to Nutrisearch’s “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements,” (5th Edition) by Lyle MacWilliam, and the only one to receive the “Editor’s Choice Award.” In an interview with Dr. Oz aired in February 2016, after Dr. Oz pressed Lyle MacWilliam on his research and asked, “bottom line ….which supplement is the best?” His answer was “USANA.”
USANA has repetitively won many “Best in State” awards for their products, and innovative product technology in the State of Utah, where many of the top product manufacturers compete. As of May 18, 2016, USANA has earned 43 Best of State awards since 2003, including four prestigious Best of State Statues in the merchandising and consumer services/human resources category.
In May 2016, USANA added five Best of State medals as well as the coveted Best of State Statue —the BOSS®— to its already impressive list of accolades in the categories of personal care, beverage, dietary supplements, research and development, and employer. It is the thirteenth year that USANA has been recognized as having the best dietary supplements in the state and the sixth year for its health and nutrition products.
USANA’s natural Rev3 Energy® earned its eighth consecutive title. The Research and Development Department celebrated its fourth win since 2012 for its rigorous testing methods, studies and innovative product technology.
Compiled by Dr. Ladd R. McNamara, M.D., Independent USANA Associate Since 1995
This has been approved by the Ethics and Education department on May 5, 2016. Approval Code: ADV-936