Today we want to give you a few simple tips on how to protect yourself from the toxic load that we are surrounded by these days. The fact is that our environment isn’t what it used to be in our parents’ or grandparents’ time. The foods we eat are not the same quality either. This is why so many people deal with hormonal issues, digestive issues, allergies and intolerances, because let’s face it…whether we can see these toxins or not, our body does get impacted by them. Even though there isn’t a lot that we can do to readily reduce the toxins we get from pollution, radiation and the chemicals that are sprayed on our foods, we can choose what we put in our mouths every day to help reduce the load on our system.
Here are a few steps that can be taken to help you stay away from foods that may cause inflammation in your body:

Even though dairy is one of our favourite foods (we were brought up drinking 2-3 glasses of milk each day and used yoghurt or cream with every meal), it has been known to cause a lot of inflammation. That’s because the cows these days aren’t fed on grass (their natural food) but are given grains. These cause health issues for them, so they are given antibiotics to get better. When we take the milk from these animals, these antibiotics are introduced in our system, causing gut issues. We recommend doing your research and then choosing whether you want milk to be a part of your diet or not. If you do choose to keep taking dairy, some good options are milk from grass-fed cows or goat milk. Otherwise, you can replace it with nut milk like almond milk, cashew milk, etc.
2. SOY
Soy in itself isn’t bad for you. It is a great protein source and is good for so many things in our body. But the issue we are facing is that the soy that is available to us these days is GMO. This includes tofu, tempe, soy milk and other soy products. When this quality of soy is consumed, it can end up creating a lot of bad oestrogen in the body which can have a huge impact on your hormonal health and your liver. Again the source of soy is the most important thing to consider. There are soy products out there that are very high quality and non-GMO, but if you have no way of knowing what quality soy is available in your area, then stay away.

It’s important to think about our toothpaste because we put it in our mouth every single day. We know there are so many advertisements showing the benefits of having fluoride toothpastes that we all think our toothpaste needs to have fluoride or else it isn’t good. Unfortunately, the media isn’t always prioritizing our health when they are marketing products. There is research that shows that fluoride can cause damage to our bones, teeth and joints. Excess fluoride in some cases may damage the parathyroid gland, resulting in hyperparathyroidism. It can also cause neurological problems possibly leading to ADHD. We recommend finding a fluoride-free toothpaste and sticking to that to ensure that you keep your body free from fluoride.
Sugar is something that we were both addicted to, so it wasn’t easy for us to get it out of our diet. But we can tell you that it is hands down the best thing we have done for ourselves. We recommend you to take it out of your diet because, sugar causes a lot of inflammation in your body, it doesn’t let the nutrients from your food get absorbed, leaves you with strong food cravings, inhibits your brain function and causes ageing. If you are crazy about sugar like we were, then we suggest replacing it with healthy alternatives like – coconut sugar, monk fruit sugar, stevia, fruit, etc. You can check out our RECIPES section below to get some simple recipes to get started.

The thing to know about antibiotics is that they kill bacteria in your gut, which includes good and bad. Even though bad bacteria is something that we want gone, the good bacteria is so important for our overall health and digestion that we always want to make sure that we absolutely need the antibiotics before taking them. It’s because without good bacteria, our body cannot absorb the nutrients we get in our food, have a strong immune system, have radiant skin, be able to lose weight and so much more. Even one course of antibiotics can destroy the good bacteria in your gut. Of course there are times when antibiotics are non-negotiable (especially when dealing with serious infections), so when you do take them, make sure to do a whole course of probiotics and prebiotics along with a gentle liver cleanse to replenish the good bacteria in your gut and cleanse your liver.
Having vibrant health is a choice we have to make every day. The changes you make today will impact how your body looks and feels in years to come.
What are two of your takeaways from this article? What’s an action you can take? Comment below!
Ps. We love hearing from you! If you have any questions or want us to talk about any particular topic, please comment below or email us at glamourandpurpose@gmail.com
Lots of love
Deep & Simar xo
Very informative article..thnx for sharing
Hi Pixie! So glad you found this article informative. Let us know if there’s any other topic you would like us to cover. 🙂