How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you jumping out of the bed full of energy or you just wana roll back in and say, “Hell, I need a break!”  Trust me I have experienced both the emotions at different times, but mostly tilting more towards “I need a break, or I need a day off”. 

In the last couple of weeks I changed a few things around with my routine that helped me get my energy back in the mornings and throughout the day. I am sharing those here with you. When you apply these easy to follow steps, you will feel your energy rise and you are going to absolutely love having a clear and focused mind.

Here is a short video where I share these energy hacks. If you prefer reading, I have also added them below.

1. Morning Ritual

Create a morning ritual that energises you. It could be a walk, yoga, meditation, prayer. Pretty much anything that gets you in touch with your higher self. It helps you get focused and grounded for the whole day. Start your day by getting connected to yourself and you will feel energised and aligned with the universe.

2. Move your Body

Movement is one of the most important things you can incorporate in your daily routine. By moving your body you end up having better blood circulation, better digestion, endorphins release, there are huge benefits to movement. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, make sure you schedule time to move around. Get a Pacer app or any other app that will calculate your steps for the day. Get moving and Get going!! 

3. Nutrition

Macros: Carbs, Proteins, Fats! Make sure the food you eat is fueling your body rather than depleting and sucking the energy out of you. Foods like Blueberries, Kale, Cruciferous vegetables, Flaxseeds, Salmon, Bone broth, etc. are the ones that will give you energy and foods like Sugar, vegetable oils, wheat, white flour, soy, processed foods will take away the energy. Our food is meant to energise us. I suggest 80% of the time eat the food that is going to energise you.

Micro-Nutrients: Supplement your diet as well. These days it’s nearly impossible to get all the balanced nutrients from our food alone. Not having enough micro-nutrition creates gaps in our nutrition and makes us hungry even if we’ve had a huge meal. Also make sure the supplements you take are from a reliable source and will not damage your organs in any way. 

4. Digestion

Make sure to eat about 3 to 4 hours before you sleep. While we are sleeping our body should be free to do the healing and recovering rather than getting busy digesting our food. You can’t sleep well if you have food in your stomach. Your body stays up all night digesting the food which messes up your sleep and the next day you feel like you’ve been running a marathon instead of resting. Stop eating around 6 or 7pm. 

5. Sleep

You need minimum 7.5 to 9 hour sleep each night. Sleep is the only time our body works on healing itself. If you are not sleeping well your body is under a lot of stress which causes premature ageing. You will have no energy and definitely if losing weight is one of your goals or gaining muscle mass, without proper sleep its almost impossible.

Also if you haven’t had a good sleep in as little as two weeks, it gets your body in the pre-diabetic state. Make sure you are getting your Zzzzz. 

I personally use and recommend the supplements from USANA Health Sciences, because they are some of the cleanest products I have seen in the market. They have an FDA approved manufacturing facility and their products are pharmaceutical grade. They have the highest rating in the Nutrisearch comparative guide and on consumerlab.com. 

Try these easy to apply Energy Hacks and share your experience with us.

I would love to hear your thoughts below – I read every single comment and always respond. 

Lots of Love,

Deep xo