Let’s talk weight-loss. When it comes to weight loss, taking the approach of health and fitness (instead of following some fad diet that can potentially hurt you) to reach your goals is the important thing. 

Weight loss will happen naturally when your body starts to get healthy and the inflammation in your body goes down. It will also help you feel amazing in your skin and give you the kind of long term results that you really want. 

So how do you get the results you want and get healthy at the same time? 


1. Food

Eat foods that have low glycemic load which means, foods that are high in fibre + protein and fats. Foods that are high in fibre not only help to support your digestion, but also help to keep your blood sugar stable. It also helps to increase your metabolism and bring down the inflammation in your body. 

2. Strength training

Strength training helps you put on more muscle mass (and NO, women can’t get bulky if they have more muscles because of the kind of hormones they have). In fact having more muscles in your body helps to protect your bones, joints and spine. Plus if you have more muscle mass, then your body ends up losing weight even when you sleep because the muscle cells require 8 times more calories than fat cells. All the more reason to do strength training 2-3 times a week. 


Proper nutrition supplementation helps to cover the nutrition gap that we are dealing with in this day and age. The soil around the world is depleted which leaves our fruit and vegetables with little nutrient value. And if we look at the mass production of food, food processing practices and shelf life of the foods, we can see that it’s now become extremely important for every human being on the planet to be taking some high quality supplements to nutrient their body. 

4. sleep

Sleep and relaxation is the most important element in maintaining your ideal weight. Your body only heals when you sleep so it’s really important that you get approx. 7-8 hours of sleep each night. There is research that shows that if you don’t get proper sleep for as little as 2 weeks, you have a higher risk of being pre-diabetic.


If you are exhausted, tired and stressed, you are no good to anyone else. Take some time for self-care each week. It could be something simple like talking to a friend, going for a walk or getting a massage (see what makes you feel amazing and then schedule it in your calendar). When you start prioritizing your self care, you’ll find that you start to relax more which then helps reduce the cortisol (stress hormone) levels in your body. When your cortisol levels go down, your body starts to release extra weight around the back of arms and shoulders. 


So these are a few things you can do each week to get started with your health journey. We would love to hear what was your biggest take away from this article. Please comment below and share with us. 

Lots of love

Deep & Simar xo

Ps. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our BodyLove Program. This is a 28-day program and we take you through the whole journey where you get to create amazing health for yourself while reaching your ideal weight. This program will completely change your life!