My weight loss journey started in end of 2013, when my weight was around 63 kgs. I had low energy levels, I wasn’t happy with the way I looked, I had low self-esteem and other health issues. I didn’t want to be in photos, I didn’t like my hair and skin (which felt rough). I was going to the gym at least 3 to 4 days a week but it still wasn’t helping.
Initially I consulted with a naturopath for an eye inflammation issue I was dealing with at the time which caused a lot of pain for me and I had to get steroids every few months for it. It was then that I was introduced to the idea of being conscious about what I was putting into my body. I found out that I was intolerant to dairy, sugar and gluten.
So she asked me to cut out processed sugar, gluten and dairy along with adding some high quality nutrition supplements. At first when I heard that I had to cut out dairy and sugar I was in tears. It was really upsetting for me because most foods that I loved had dairy in them and ice-cream was my favourite thing. She told me to trial this for 3 months to start with. I decided to give it a try.
The first few weeks were the hardest weeks I’ve had to go through. But I did start feeling a difference within 10 days so I persevered. I felt my energy change, my skin started getting better, my mood was elevated and my eyes were shining. It was incredible to see how the food I was eating impacted my weight, my energy, my mood and my skin.

Within three months I lost 10 kgs, my eye inflammation issue was resolved (I’ve never had that issue again since 2013), I felt amazing in my body, my hair texture and skin changed, I felt light and it boosted my self-esteem like nothing else could have.
The thing that allowed me to stick with this new way of clean eating was making sure that I don’t cut out foods I love from my diet but replace the unhealthy ingredients with healthy ingredients instead. Also Simar (my sister) was following the same eating regime with me which made things a lot easier as I had a buddy to go through these changes with and we made sure that the foods that we were cutting out were not in our house.
The thing to remember is that when it comes to weight loss, there isn’t just ‘one factor’ that is responsible but the whole lifestyle. I truly believe that weight loss is a side effect of having great health. It’s important to create a lifestyle that would help you get healthy first and foremost. Just following some fad diet to reduce a few kilos could give you the results short term but it can have long term side effects as well. A lot of women who follow different diets end up realising that not only do they put on the weight that they lost (sometimes more than what they had before), but it ends up causing other issues like loss of collagen in skin, mood issues and other health conditions like thyroid problems etc.
This is why taking the approach of health to reach your goals is so important. Weight loss will happen naturally when your body starts to get healthy and the inflammation in your body goes down. It will also help you feel amazing in your skin and give you the kind of long term results that you really want. I say this because this has been my experience in my journey.
What about you? Have you experienced different diets? What are some things that worked for you and what didn’t work? Comment below!
Lots of love
Deep xo
Ps. If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our BodyLove Program. This is a 28-day program and we take you through the whole journey where you get to create amazing health for yourself while reaching your ideal weight. This program will completely change your life!