Growing up I used to get terrible period cramps, which didn’t go away unless I took some strong painkillers. Over time it kept getting worse and one time even double dose of the painkiller didn’t work and I had to be taken to the doctor because the pain was so intense that I couldn’t stop throwing up. He had to give me an injection to help with the pain.
This is when I started looking for alternative treatments and ended up meeting a naturopath. He got me to completely change my diet and lifestyle. I was surprised to see that I felt a difference right away. This was the first time I’d ever made a connection between my food and my health. My period pain went away and I got off all sorts of meds that I couldn’t live without before.
In this article I want to share with you how a few simple changes can make a world of difference in your hormones and your overall health. Whether you’re looking for solutions for PMS issues, improve your fertility or improve conditions like PCOS, Fibroids, etc., this article can help you with a simple step-by-step plan.
Here is my 3-step formula for happy hormones:
The internal health of your organs will always determine the quality of your skin. Eat foods rich in fiber as they will help your body release toxins. Greens leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits are all amazing as they are full of vitamins and minerals that are amazing for your skin. Cut out all processed foods as they contain hormone blockers that can have a long term impact on your hormonal health.
Women's bodies are cyclical in nature and therefore (unlike men), it's not healthy for us to exercise in the same way everyday. Knowing how your body needs to move in each phase of your cycle can help harmonise your hormones. Here are the 4 phases women have in their cycle and how to move in each phase:
1. MENSTRUAL PHASE (3-7 days): This is your week to take it easy. Give your body a rest and do light workouts like yin yoga, walking, etc. as your energy will be at its lowest.
2. FOLLICULAR PHASE (7-10 days): Try something new and fun like dance, cardio, Zumba, etc. In this week the brain is primed for enjoying new things, heightened creativity and beginning.
3. OVULATORY PHASE (3-5 days): This is your week to try HIIT (High intensity interval training), Bootcamps, etc. as you'll have a lot of energy to burn.
4. LUTEAL PHASE (10-14 days): In the beginning of this week you can do strength trainings or intense yoga and later on slow down to activities like yin yoga, pilates, walking etc.
Most women these days are highly deficient in the essential micronutrients needed for optimal hormonal health. This is where supplements come in. Here are a few nutrients that you can supplement with to balance your hormones:
1. B-VITAMINS: B-Vitamins are essential for so many metabolic functions and a deficiency can cause fatigue and low energy levels. One of the main cause of hormonal imbalance is low progesterone levels. Vitamin B6 helps to boost the production of this hormone which in turn helps to prevent and remove excess oestrogen from the body thereby boosting the immune system.
2. MAGNESIUM: Our pituitary gland is controlled by the magnesium in our body. Pituitary health is very important and has a huge role in producing the critical hormones (FSH, LH & TSH) that then signal other endocrine glands in the body to work properly. When our pituitary gland isn't working properly, it can impact the production of all the other hormones which can cause a lot of hormonal issues including thyroid issues, and irregular ovulation, etc. leading to bigger issues. Majority of women are deficient in magnesium and bloating and headaches are two very common signs of a deficiency.
3. LIVER DETOX: Your liver plays a huge role in breaking down excess estrogen in your body. When the liver is functioning optimally, it can help prevent hormonal issues. But in today's day and age, we live in an environment where we are constantly bombarded by toxins from foods, air pollution, radiation and stress. All these factors combined, have a huge impact on the liver function and over time if your liver cannot process these toxins (including excess hormones) from your body, you can end up developing hormonal issues. This is why it's so important to have high quality micronutrients and antioxidants like Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Broccoli Extract, Turmeric and more. When your liver is well nourished, it can help maintain hormonal balance and keep symptoms at bay.
4. PROBIOTICS: Your gut plays an important role in processing and removing excess hormones from your body. There are certain gut bacteria that produce enzymes which help metabolise the excess estrogen from the body. Processed foods, dairy, gluten, and antibiotics can destroy these good bacteria which makes it very important to supplement with a good probiotic that can withstand the stomach acid and help to balance the gut bacteria.
5. OMEGA-3 + VITAMIN D3 BLEND: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for making more of the prostaglandin that reduces cramps during menstruation. It is also very effective in stabilising mood swings. When omega-3s are combined with vitamin D3, they make a strong hormonal support as vitamin D3 is important for maintaining normal estrogen levels and a deficiency can cause estrogen dominance which can cause a lot of hormonal issues.
Women's hormonal health kit

When it comes to supplements, I believe in using the highest quality products to ensure proper absorption of the nutrients. I highly recommend USANA Health Sciences nutrition products as they have been given the highest rating in consumerlabs.com and Nutrisearch Comparative Guide. Here are the supplements that best support womens’s hormone health:
- CellSentials: B-Vitamins, Minerals and Antioxidants
- MagneCal D: Magnesium, Calcium and Vitamin D
- Hepasil: Liver support
- Probiotics
- Biomega: Omega-3 and Vitamin D3